
Applied-Coaching, like Applied Mathematics and Applied Science concerns putting a process, skill, approach or technique into use for a particular purpose to accomplish a specific objective. 
It takes coaching beyond the Human Resource/ management development sphere into the core of the business as indicated in the Applied-Coaching Section.

For anyone unfamiliar with basic coaching this section may assist in outlining the central process of achievement coaching.

So what is Coaching?
Coaching is a facilitative process compelling people to gain clarity over their objectives, aims and needs, and to expand their ability to achieve them.
It allows people to regain control and take major steps forward in setting and achieving new levels of performance and enjoyment.

The unique coaching relationship provides freedom to explore ideas & situations in a confidential, non-judgemental situation. A coach will compel you to understand and overcome your concerns and fears – replacing them with positive beliefs, motivation and confidence.

Coaching draws on the creativity and abilities of the individual - not simply to resolve issues but to grow their skills, confidence and abilities, unlocking their potential as well as actual achievement. Benefits are cumulative and have a high residual impact long after the coaching session.

    A business solution?   Some statistics ...
    of managers claim they would benefit from coaching/ more coaching
    93% felt that coaching should be available throughout the workplace
    (survey by the Chartered Management Institute/Lloyds TSB)

    529% Return on Investment measured for Executive Coaching,
    (US study by MetrixGlobal LLC)

Why is it so Effective?
Professionally and personally we are constantly exposed to negative input and experiences - human nature is such that good input is largely forgotten but bad is remembered. This gradually creates deep negative beliefs about ourselves which become self-fulfilling as our subconscious starts to act as though such beliefs are true and inevitable. Behaviour and confidence is impacted and we become trapped by our false expectations.

Coaching compels you to understand and breakthrough the barriers which prevent you from moving forward. It works at both conscious and subconscious levels as doubts are confronted and overcome. 
Importantly, coaching is non-directive, you won't be told how to run your job, your business or your life - instead it stimulates your own talents and creativity allowing you to uncover your own answers .... fast!

How does this translate into Applied-Coaching?
The facilitative process of coaching requires a complex blend of skills including Enhanced Listening, Advanced Contextual Questioning, Rapport Building, Motivation, Support, Clarification, Reflection, Gaining Commitment, Guiding and Managing interactions.
These skills are advanced enabling skills for a wide range of business activities, however to be effective they need to be aligned with the specialist knowledge and understanding of professionals experienced in the respective fields.
Putting the two together to deliver real business benefit is the ethos and passionate objective of Applied-Coaching.


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